
The French humanist, narrator, physician, and monk François Rabelais wrote five comic novels Gargantua and Pantagruel from 1532, when he was about 37, until the end of his life. The first book, Pantagruel, was published in 1532, and the second, Gargantua, in 1534. The third book was published in 1545, the fourth in 1552, and the last, after Rabelais' death, in 1564. The censors of the Collège de la Sorbonne stigmatized it as obscene, and in a social climate of increasing religious oppression in a lead up to the French Wars of Religion, it was treated with suspicion, and contemporaries avoided mentioning it.

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Pantagruel studied very hard, as you may well conceive, and profited accordingly; for he had an excellent understanding and notable wit, together with a capacity in memory equal to the measure of twelve oil budgets or butts of olives. And, as he was there abiding one day, he received a letter from his father in manner as followeth.

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The French painter, graphic artist, sculptor, and caricaturist Honoré Daumier began to create his satirical works in 1830, at the time when lithographer, caricaturist, and journalist Charles Philipon founded the satirical political journal La Caricature, in which he combined journalism and the art of caricature. In 1831, he drew a caricature of King of the French Louis Philippe as Gargantua, the namesake from Rabelais' 16th century series of novels, which tells of the adventures of two giants, Gargantua and his son Pantagruel. The caricature appeared in the December 15th, 1831 edition of La Caricature and was displayed in the window of La Caricature office in the Gallery Vero. The lithograph of this caricature is housed in the National Library in Paris.

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Petak, 12 Oktobar 2018 10:28

Gargantua i Pantagruel

Francuski humanista, pripovedač, lekar i monah Fransoa Rable pisao je svoj komični roman Gargantua i Pantagruel u pet knjiga od 1532, kada je imao oko 37 godina, pa do kraja svog života. Prva knjiga Pantagruel objavljena je 1532, druga Gargantua 1534. godine. Treća knjiga je objavljena 1545, četvrta 1552 i poslednja, posle smrti Rablea, 1564. godine.

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Ponedeljak, 21 Mart 2016 11:44

Onore Domije - Gargantua

Svoja satirična dela francuski slikar, grafičar, vajar i karikaturista Onore Domije počeo je da stvara 1830. godine, u vreme kada je Šarl Filipon, liberalni novinar osnovao časopis Karikatura (La Caricature), u kome je spojio novinarstvo i umetnost karikature. Kao saradnik časopisa svojim satiričnim crtežima kritikovao je društvo i vlast. Godine 1831. nacrtao je karikaturu Luja Filipa, koju je nazvao Gargantua prema istoimenoj knjizi Fransoa Rablea, koja je važila za nepristojnu, sirovu i vulgarnu. Gargantua nikada nije objavljena u časopisu Karikutara, jer je cenzura i policija zaustavila njeno objavljivanje na vreme. Litografija ove karikature se danas nalazi u Nacionalnoj biblioteci u Parizu.

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