
Stefan Tanasijević

Stefan Tanasijević

Gospodin Saval, kojega su u Mantesu zvali "čiča Saval", upravo je ustao. Padala je kiša. Bio je tužan jesenji dan; lišće je padalo. Ono pada polako za vrijeme kiša, kao druga gušća i sporija kiša. Gospodin Saval nije bio veseo. Hodao je od kamina do prozora, od prozora do kamina. Život ima sumornih dana. On će odsad provoditi samo sumorne dane, jer su mu šezdeset i dvije godine. Samac je, neženja, bez ikoga. Kako je tužno umrijeti ovako, sasvim sam, bez odane ljubavi!

Ne znam da li su ljudi na nas više kivni kad im se nada izjalovi no što su nam zahvalni kad im učinimo dobrotu. Naročito, prijatelju moj, pošto ove sitnice spadaju u moj djelokrug, to mogu da se zadržim malo duže na onome što mislim da znam, naročito nemojte biti suviše povjerljivi, ni banalni, niti pretjerano uslužni, jer to su tri opasnosti.

Petak, 21 Januar 2022 11:41

Šervin B. Nuland - O Mona Lizi

Odavde možemo krenuti još dalje u prošlost, dalje od Pejtera, pa čak i od Vazarija, od kojeg potiču gotovo svi podaci poznati o nastanku slike. Moramo se vratiti istinskoj ženi. Pošto je sa šesnaest godina postala treća supruga tridesetpetogodišnjeg Frančeska del Đokonde, Mona Liza di Anton Marija Gerardini je 1503. napunila dvadeset četiri godine. To se verovatno dogodilo sredinom četvorogodišnjeg razdoblja kad je Leonardo povremeno radio na njenom portretu.

Subota, 15 Januar 2022 11:39

Nikolaj Berđajev - O Sandru Botičeliju

Tragična sudbina nekih odabranih umetnika Kvatročenta može biti odgonetnuta samo dubljim ulaženjem u rascepljenju, necelovitu dušu Kvatročenta, dušu, koju su razdirali suprotstavljeni hrišćanski i paganski momenti. Tragična sudbina Botičelija, najvećeg umetnika Renesanse, koji nam je tek u novije doba postao razumljiv i blizak, daje ključ za razumevanje još uvek neodgonetnute tajne Renesanse.

The Italian neoclassical sculptor Antonio Canova was known as the creator of marble sculptures, which were delicately sculpted into naked people. One of his most famous sculptures is Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss, also known as Psyche and Cupid, which he sculpted between 1787 and 1793. In this sculpture, Canova portrayed the loving embrace of two major characters from Greek mythology: Love, or Cupid in Latin, and the soul, Psyche. He captures two sides of love; its incredible strength and its fragility and tenderness. The original Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss sculpture is currently on display at the Louvre in Paris.

A collection of poems Words (French: Paroles) by famous and popular French poet Jacques Prévert is first published in 1946. The very short poem The Garden (French: Le Jardin) from this collection defines a stereotype, the moment of the emperor differently and originally and captures feelings and pour it into words. Within the lines of the poem, Prévert managed to paint happiness with few words and gives a message that little things are those that move us and make us stop in time.

Četvrtak, 16 Decembar 2021 12:15

The Garden by Jacques Prévert

Thousands and thousands of years
Would not suffice
To tell
The tiny second of eternity
When you kissed me

The series of works by the Romanian sculptor Constantin Brâncuși, entitled The Kiss, is one of the most famous depictions of love in the history of art. There were several versions of The Kiss that Brâncuși sculpted, each of them simplifying the concept of sparse objects and geometry in his forms further. The original sculpture is in Muzeul de Arta in Romania. This early plaster sculpture is one of six casts that Brâncuși made of the 1907–08 The Kiss. The sculpture The Kiss, which can be seen at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, marked a great departure from the emotional realism of the famous sculpture.

Both Auguste Rodin and Constantin Brâncuși has their own The Kiss sculpture. Both sculptures by these two famous sculptors, working in the same city, are of the same subject and both are carved directly into the stone. Also, their sculptures are the same by name but different by meaning. There's hardly a way to compare the two sculptures otherwise; they look like they hail from different worlds entirely. Rodin's sculpture is more academic and conventional while Brâncuși's sculpture is more primal and addresses a basic emotion in the heart and soul of humanity in a more direct manner.

Četvrtak, 02 Decembar 2021 12:30

Auguste Rodin's inspiration for The Kiss

Trained in the traditions of eighteenth-century art, captivated by the works of Renaissance artist Michelangelo and fascinated by the works of classical Greece, Auguste Rodin broke the rules and the mold in many of his sculptures. Rodin's main inspiration for The Kiss comes from a literary source, and its classical composition was taken from classic sculptures of his time. He captures a tangible feeling of the psychology of love in the way the bodies of Paolo and Francesca for The Gates of Hell meld into one another, portraying the essence of complete passion.

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